Air Quality Inspections
Moulds are part of the natural environment. Outdoors, moulds play an essential part in nature by breaking down dead organic matter, such as fallen leaves and dead trees, but indoors, mould growth can be potentially toxic and should be avoided.
There are many types of mould and they reproduce by means of tiny spores; the spores are invisible to the naked eye and float through outdoor and indoor air. Mould can start to grow indoors when these spores land on surfaces that are damp. Exposure to mould by inhaling or touching mould spores can cause allergic reactions and irritations to the lungs, eyes, skin, nose and throat.
Mould that gets established can gradually destroy the things it grows on including furnishings and structural components in the home. This damage to your home and furnishings can be prevented by controlling unwanted moisture intrusion and eliminating potential mould growth.
Protect your investment and your family’s health and let us inspect your home for moisture intrusion, mould and mould growth.
Mould inspection is a specialized type of inspection that goes beyond the scope of a general home inspection.
There are two types of mould inspections we perform:
1) The Complete Mould Inspection which includes:
2) The Limited Mould Inspection.
Refer to IAC2 Mould Inspection Standards of Practice.
Complete Set of Fungal Facts from EMSL
A short term radon test is not considered reliable because radon levels fluctuate significantly, diverging by as much as 1000 Bq/m3 from the average level in a given property within a single hour. For this reason SureWorx Inspection Services does not provide testing of Radon. However you may want to consider purchasing a radon detector to determine the long term results and remediate the home if required.
More information about Radon can be found at
We provide Asbestos Inspections & Testing